
Woe is me!

15 September, 2014

At the end of my last post I stated that “life is good”.   How foolish of me to tempt fate,  just weeks away from what is,  for me,  the marathon of the year!

Cape Town Marathon is up there with the best races in the country.   Thousands of runners,  awesome vibe,  stunning route!

I entered months ago,  made travel arrangements,  paid for accommodation etc etc.

And now,  with 5 days to go,  I am that most pathetic creature of the sporting world  –  the sick runner.

The sick runner can be spotted by the following annoying traits:

He will not listen to his (or any) GP unless it is something he wants to hear  –  like  “yes, of course you can run while you have bronchitis”.    Or,    ” take this amazing pill  –  it is guaranteed to cure anything in exactly 3 days”.

He will stand in front of someone with an axe sticking out of their head and blood pouring down their face and continue to bemoan his snivvely nose or his tight chest.

He will not lie quietly on his bed and snooze in order to recover.   Oh no,  he will give himself carpal tunnel syndrome and arc eyes from 24/7 googling of symptoms and remedies.    Somewhere out there,  there just has to be an “expert” who will have a good idea.   Who knows?   It may be gargling with frog pee at exactly midnight,  in the nude and facing west.

I am sure that at the moment I am only plagued with the common cold and if I can just CALM DOWN and BELIEVE all will be well.   But hell that is hard.

Anyone seen a frog?

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