Mental Strength

Taming Tigers

23 January, 2024

A PB at Piggly Wiggly Park Run, how fabulous! Admittedly I have only done three of them and my first one was less than a month after having my pacemaker put in. But still, I am really excited about that.

And then I also survived week one of Coach Mo’s “let’s up the ante” program to get me to the Cape Town Marathon in October. I can now do 8 km at the pace that I need to get me to the finish before the final gun but the thought of extending that to 42.2km is pretty scary.

This morning I took to my trusty t-mill which means listening to my running playlist at super-high volume. On there I have the orchestral version of “Eye of the Tiger” and I now have this really good image in my mind of, when things get tough, staring the tiger slap in the eye and telling him to BACK OFF! Of course, if you’re feeling really rough it is perfectly acceptable to tell said tiger to “FUCK OFF”. Especially if it is a tiger from Boksburg.

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