Exciting news! We have a local source of Banting friendly race fuel for those that have embraced the high fat way of life. Phat bombs are a bar that turns into a gel. You can eat the bar as a pre-race breakfast. When it is chilled (like us before a race) it maintains it’s bar form. On the run, as it gets hot (again like us, and I mean hot in a cool way), it becomes gel- like for easy slurping at high speeds. They are individually wrapped of course, just like a gel, so there’s no mess.
The cookies are perfect for pre-race use. They can also be eaten on the run for those that prefer something more solid, often the case on the longer, slower ultras. Cookies can be ordered already baked (that’s my style) or in dough form for your freezer.
The products have been tried and tested for months now by the Phat Girls themselves – both of them have recently racked up PB’s in the Maritzburg Marathon, and both looked incredibly strong on the finish line – I was there and I was truly impressed!
I can’t wait to try both products this Sunday at the Umgeni 32km at Midmar. With fuel that suits my way of eating and an OG that won’t tolerate woessiness, it should be a good day out!
Have a fabulous running week all!