running, The Marathon

Marathon Countdown

18 February, 2017

This time next week we will be stressing about the length of our toenails, the fueling strategy that induces the least vomiting, the bits that need lubing (have we packed the Vaseline) and the timing of our bowel movements. Oh the glamour of long distance running. Yes, marathon week is upon us. It is time to stress about every niggle, every sniffle, whether we have done enough training, what the weather will be doing next weekend and a myriad other important matters.

In the meantime let us enjoy the taper weekend with it’s measly little one hour run tomorrow! This morning the OG and I trundled along the country roads on our bicycles, me on my beautiful Blue Beast with dual suspension. I can now keep up with said OG on the hills (thanks Sally for the leg strengthening). I prefer to gloss over the fact that the OG’s bike has broken gears – tis really neither here nor there. I am now trying to persuade him that the manly thing to do would be to don a red speedo, oil his chest, flex a few key muscles and wash my bike!

My goal next weekend is to take 10 minutes off last year’s time – I’m aiming for a 5:16. that means a measly 14 to 15 seconds quicker per kilometre. Sounds easy enough while I sit here contemplating it but if anyone dare tell me that 30km in next Sunday I will f****** kill them. Old Goat you have been warned!

The last marathon I did was in May last year with Lauren – a 5:11. I learnt a few useful lessons.

Lesson Number One: Lauren has the patience of a saint. I like to think that when I’m old, doddery and cranky, she will take care of me. I am led to believe, however, that she prefers the cliff method of taking care of elderly parents! I need to be aware at all times, especially in high places.

Lesson Number Two: It ain’t over till it’s over – it is no use having a meltdown at kilometre 20 at the thought of 22 more to come – keep putting one foot in front of the other, the suicidal feeling doesn’t last!

Lesson Number Three: If you increase your stride rate by just a teeny bit when you are tired, it makes a huge difference in your overall pace.

Lesson Number Four: Listening to music that sounds like gerbils on speed does not help. In fact no music helps, I’m just not a music person. I like to lose myself in my own thoughts, even if they are suicidal.

Here’s to a great 42.2km peeps! #themarathonmustfall.

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