
Introduction revisited

9 February, 2016


Okay, so I’ve signed up for WordPress’s Blogging 101 to see what I can learn. I love learning new stuff – I’m currently about a third of the way through a course on freelance writing for magazines – my dream job, apart from breeding sausage dogs, of course. Or maybe being a professional runner that regularly wins the Comrades Marathon.

But I digress. Our first assignment involves revisiting our original introductory post and updating it.

A lot has changed (I’m nearly two years older for a start) and so I’ll attempt to define my “Long Slow Journey” here.

The Holy Grail is still a Comrades medal and in my attempts to get faster and stronger, I have completed 15 marathons, 7 ultras and 4 attempted Comrades ranging between 60km and 82km. I have researched every method under the sun, from Maffetone to “Balls to the Wall”. I’m currently training with Mo Van Rensburg from Soul Running and am LOVING it. And there lies my next magazine writing assignment!

If a genie suddenly popped out of the lamp on my desk and gave me three wishes, they would be:

  1. An end to all animal abuse
  2. A home and food on the table for every single man,woman and child
  3. World peace (obvs)

If the genie said “Bullshit woman! These wishes are for you!” then:

  1. Long flowing blonde hair that I would put up in a pony tail and nonchalantly flick from side to side as I win races.
  2. Beautiful golden brown legs that stride effortlessly across the finish line, nothing jiggling or wobbling.
  3. The ability to cross the line in aforesaid manner (or, in some cases to cross the line at all!)

In the meantime, until my genie sees fit to out himself from my lamp, you may have gathered that I love running and will continue to do so, Comrades medal or not, for as long as I can. I’m hoping for another 30 years so that at 88 I can be the famous Galloping Granny of East Griqualand. There may be some jiggling though and I may be sporting a wig.

Sunday running at it’s best…


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