
Golden Goat Challenge Part 1

10 June, 2016


Spar Ladies Race 2016 – first leg of the Golden Goat Challenge! You can see from the picture how I’m concentrating. I’m calculating cadence, stride length and pace instead of wondering how long it is until wine time!

Alas victory was not mine! Here is a picture of the Old Goat powering his way to another 57 minute finish – the swine!

I finished in a respectable (for me) 1:04 but obviously harder concentration and faster cadence is required!

On the way back to the drawing board Karma bit me in the bum, as she so often does. As soon as I get a weeny bit pleased with myself she’s there with bared teeth. I’ve been flui-sh since Tuesday and I can’t run. I usually drag myself to work through these situations but yesterday I thought “bugger it – why?” I stayed in bed and read and slept the entire day. I noticed that the Stock Exchange did not crash and the wolves of Wall Street were still wolfing about not giving a damn. So now gone are the days of going to work whilst flu-ish. If I’m sick I will sleep!


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