
Dear Coach

20 July, 2018

Dear Coach,

Week seven down and only nine to go! It has been a crazy, crazy 10 days and it’s been all about the distance. I finished my 70 km stint last weekend as promised. Since Thursday last week until this morning – 10 days if your brain is feeling lazy – I have racked up 117 km on dirt road and trail. For me that is insane. I’m still alive but very, very weary.

The most insane part was the night running – something I was totally dreading. I was convinced I would be bitten by something wild, fall into an ant bear hole or stand on a night adder. It is also a good opportunity for my Old Goat to push me off a cliff. His chance has come and gone though – I LOVED my night running and I’m now like a panther in the dark.

Last night we came across two jackals heading towards us on the path, out for a little night jog themselves. I was ready with some civil jackal conversation but Oscar the Brave and Hercules the Bold decided that the chase was on and that was that. No civilised jackal chit chat for us.

Well Coach, now for a much deserved break in the Kruger Park – we’ll be back on the road in 10 days time.

Yours in trail,

The Night Panther

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