
Dear Coach #4

11 August, 2019

country road running between avenue of tall trees on a winter morning

This scene is from yesterday’s long run, breathtakingly beautiful as the mist lifts on a wintery landscape. Good enough to make up for our minus 1 degree C start I would say. Photo credit goes to my younger daughter, who had the cheek to beat me by a whole hour, taking it easy over the 28km loop.

Yes Coach, I know I should have done 32 km, not 28, but I did cycle the day before, 26 km with 400 metres of elevation, which kind of killed my glutes and destroyed my lower back. I know I will get stronger, hopefully in time for the 50-miler in 6 weeks.

Mental strength is a funny animal. Yesterday immediately after the run I kept bemoaning my perceived weakness and lack of speed and during the run I was full of ideas of how to cut the course short. This morning I don’t remember the weakness or lack of speed or even the willingness to cheat - I feel strong and proud. Is this how we trick ourselves into signing up for insane distances? Probably.

Next weekend you have given me two 20 km back to back runs and to make up for my sins this weekend I am going to try and make it 25 km, followed by the 20 km the next day. You see, the pain is forgotten and the willingness to work harder has stepped right back in!

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