
Dear Coach

1 September, 2018

Dear Coach,

Spring has sprung today and every year at this time I have bags of good running mojo, wanting to get out there and conquer stuff!

I am now over the trauma of thinking I had wrecked my achilles tendon just four weeks before our 50-miler. On Tuesday I had my chassis aligned by the chiropractor who also popped six acupuncture needles into my ankle and told me to leave them there for four days. I was feeling so good after two days that I had my Old Goat remove the needles and I went for a short trail run. All is good, though I do think that due to my advanced age I will need my chassis re-aligned on a fairly regular basis.

We have 32 kilometres of mostly trail to run this weekend, starting this evening. This time in only three weeks the Old Goat and I will be wending our way through the 50 mile course, hopefully feeling like spring chickens. I’m just praying (very, very hard) for decent weather.




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