
Creamy PB Delight

3 November, 2017

Now I know this does not look very inspiring, but I can assure you it tastes like heaven, gives a healthy dose of good fat, a moderate dose of protein, is low in carbs and will carry you through from breakfast to lunch with the greatest of ease! The secret ingredient – peanut butter!

Here is my recipe:

2 tablespoons Greek yoghurt, 1 tablespoon double thick cream,           1 tablespoon Black Cat crunchy peanut butter, 1 tablespoon dessicated coconut, 1 tablespoon sunflower seeds and 1 teaspoon xylitol. Mix together and enjoy.

This mixture will give you 7 grams of carbs, 30 grams of healthy fat and 10 grams of protein – perfect proportions.

If you have recently switched to low carb eating and you are feeling fatigued, one of the first things you should look at is your fat intake. Low carb and low fat is a recipe for disaster -try increasing your fat. You don’t have to sit down with a spoon and a tub of lard – just add things like my Creamy PB Delight!

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