Running Goals

Chariots of Fire, and Other Exciting Stuff

29 June, 2023

A tortoise with issues

At the ripe old age of 65 I have now mastered making playlists, taming headphones and listening to music whilst grinding out a run on the treadmill.

To me this is super-exciting because most of the time I feel very daunted by our rocky, pot-holed dirt roads. I have fallen one too many times by tripping over a sneaky rock and I don’t think my fragile mind will take another. In fact, last time I fell I ended up having a pacemaker fitted instead of an arthroscopy on my knee.

My deep down secret wish is to be able to do the marathon distance again, damaged lungs, pacemaker and all, even if it takes me 7 hours to cover the course. (Though secretly I would want 6 hours or below). I would also give a great deal to stand on the start line of Comrades again though that will probably not happen in this lifetime. But, just in case, I have added Chariots of Fire to my current playlist - not once but twice!

At the moment I’m rocking Jeff Galloway’s run/walk method - 2 minutes run, 30 seconds walk - it works for me - until I get to a hill. Hills are my nemesis and some days I can’t even walk up them without feeling like my heart and lungs are going to explode. But consistency and perseverance is the name of the game so I will consistently persevere!

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